Are You Ready to Reclaim Control Over Your Finances?
Financial difficulties are something that most people face in their lives. When these difficulties get out of control, however, you could be left in a seemingly hopeless situation. If you're getting regular calls from creditors, facing foreclosure, or simply feel that you have lost control over your finances, bankruptcy may help you find a fresh start.
We're nominated for a bankruptcy trustee. With 39 years of experience, we have the knowledge, expertise, and confidence to help make the right decision for you.
Eliminate or Restructure Debt for Your Needs
There are several options for a bankruptcy filing. Getting the best results in your bankruptcy situation requires choosing the right type. Chapter 7 bankruptcy eliminates most debts and allows for a fresh start. Chapter 13 bankruptcy restructures debt and creates a payment plan aimed at fulfilling the debt over the course of 3 to 5 years.
Let Us Help You Decide How to Move Forward
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is a tremendous decision. Give Achille Law, P.C. a call for a FREE telephone consultation so that we can help you determine if bankruptcy is the right choice for you. Our friendly, personalized services help you understand your situation, evaluate the bankruptcy options, and guide you through the process of regaining financial control.